Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We have a name!

Went and signed the birth certificate today, the alien telepathy must have broken through to Lance!

Introducing: Annabelle Tempel Thornton

Both names have old family ties to both of our families.


  1. sweet name :)
    can she juggle yet ?

  2. Congratulations Erika and Lance and Welcome Annabelle Tempel (love this middle name). Of course, we were following the day-to-day events with your mom and dad. Quite a challenge for Miss Annabelle to enter this world - sorry you had to go through the journey of such a long delivery - but "All's Well that Ends Well." Quite a beautiful little girl. I look forward to seeing and hearing updates of all of you. Love this hospital photo of the three of you. Glad to hear your dad is coming, Erika, for a week or so to help out and the opportunity for Papou to spend time with his new grand-daughter. Your mother looks elated holding Annabelle in the operating room - what a once in a lifetime expereince for her.
    With our very best wishes and much love,
    Aunt Millie and Uncle Mody
