Saturday, September 26, 2009

relaxing with papa

Neck exercises

At 4 weeks, I am already a strong girl!

Monday, September 21, 2009

What's That?

Even after 3 weeks, Mia is still wondering who our new house guest is. Mia has been great, very patient and gentle, but she is definitely still curious! Hopefully soon, we can all start to go on more walks together and have some fun :-)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm 2 weeks old!!

Wow, this thumb tastes good :-)

Learning to Multi-task

Thanks Papou!

My dad (Papou) has been here from September 3 - 12 helping us adjust to life with a new baby. It has been great to have him here! Thanks for all the laundry, diaper changes, cooking and great company.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ryan and Aurora visit

They were both there for the birth, but had to leave shortly after. This time Annabelle gets to spend some quality time with both
Ryan and Aurora.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Papa can still play games!

Annabelle's birth hasn't put a damper on game playing around here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

going home!


Finally leaving the hospital. It takes both of us to figure how to put Annabelle in the car seat!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We have a name!

Went and signed the birth certificate today, the alien telepathy must have broken through to Lance!

Introducing: Annabelle Tempel Thornton

Both names have old family ties to both of our families.

And the other grandmother...

Here is my mother. She was in the operating room with me (which was wonderful) and was the first person to hold our little one!

In case you are wondering why we were in the operating room - Erika ended up having a c-section because the baby was turned backwards and we were unable to get her out the traditional way. We certainly tried our hardest, but it just wasn't to be. Doesn't really matter anyway, we have got our little sweetie and everyone is healthy and doing great!

Lance's mom visits

Thank goodness for grandmothers! Lance's mom (Honey) will be staying with us for several days to help out and see her new granddaughter.

why there is no name...

Lance signing on:

To those asking about a name, there's no name yet because it turns out that she's not actually human. At first I thought she was because she pretty much looks like a normal human baby but then I realized that she only communicates by telepathy and she also uses mind control - this obviously means she's an alien. That, and her cranium looks just like the alien heads I've seen on the internet so that pretty much proves it.

And being an alien, I don't really feel like I have the authority to name her. I came up with Zymxlplkz as a possible alien name for her but then I couldn't figure out how to pronounce it so I kinda gave up. I'm waiting for a telepathic message from her to get her real name.
